When In-home Care is given to individuals in need, it is usual that the brunt of the caregiving work is shouldered by the hired experts. But here at Comfort Home Health Care Services LLC, we believe family members should be able to support and do caregiving duties, too. That is why our services come with training services.
As a Home Health Care in Columbia Heights, Minnesota, we view capacitating family members with training as a preventive measure and a first aid response to possible emergencies. As a preventative measure, the family can take an active role if they know the good and bad things that can affect the quality of health and life of their loved one. While capacitating family members with training as a first aid response help the family know what to do and act when an emergency happens, not just with their elderly loved one but also with themselves and others.
Our Individualized Home Supports with Family Training can provide more to our clients. But most of all, we can capacitate our family to have the ability to support and become their loved ones’ Personal Care Assistant PCA in Minnesota. They can be more than that; they can be their loved one’s aid responder.
Learn more about our services which include Waiver Services, today. Do it by calling us at 612-500-8839, emailing us at infor@caregiversmn.com, or visiting us at 4141 Central Avenue NE, Suite #102N, Columbia Heights, Minnesota 5521.

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